Reputation Management


Reputation Management For Your Brand

These days – with online comment sections, opinion blogs, and the incendiary nature of social media – managing one’s online character and professional standing is more important than ever. Reputation management strategies can help you do just that.

RM is the practice of monitoring, regulating, and influencing public perceptions of an individual, brand, or business.

Think “public relations,” a term used back in the day to denote the management of public opinion and information sharing. With the rapid progression and ever-increasing use of the Internet and, more specifically, social media outlets, reputation management has become an essential element in overseeing one’s public image. This includes business image. Newell Ledbetter Advertising’s RM allows a business owner to respond directly to customer questions and feedback via an online forum, which supports positive customer relations, which, in turn, can lead to repeat business and increased revenue. By engaging directly with buyers who leave feedback, the business owner can then develop products and services that best meet customer needs and demands. Online reputation management is an effective tool in creating and maintaining a positive relationship with new customers and clients, as well as ensuring repeat business from existing patrons.

Product or service review ideas from customers, writing reviews from customers who use the products and services of the store to express their satisfaction and increase the credibility of the store.

Why Your Business Needs Reputation Management

Online Reputation Management allows you as the business owner control over how your business is perceived, also called “Social Proof”.  Online reviews and feedback are one of the best ways to see what your customers are impressed with, and where you may have opportunities for improvement. Our ORM monitors all reviews 24/7 so every review gets responded to with care, and you can concentrate on your business instead of responding to reviews.  Both positive and negative reviews give you as the owner a chance to highlight your accolades and improve your customer service

That could greatly affect your bottom line. RM allows businesses to monitor and respond to negative and potentially damaging comments before they get out of control and end up infiltrating every social media outlet there is. Word of mouth is powerful. Make it work to your advantage.

Online reputation management experts agree that one of the best approaches to implement regarding virtual public image is to manage the visibility of negative comments. This is very different from removing negative content altogether, which we strongly discourage. We can help you manage your online reputation by monitoring search engine results, proactively responding to feedback, and publishing useful, positive information that really speaks to your mission statement.

Following are some of the many benefits of ORM (online reputation management):

  • Improves the flagging of customer testimonials/comments in order to address negative content in a timely manner
  • Publishes business reviews on all relevant reputation management platforms
  • Submits online press releases and other content to relevant websites (promotes brand/business presence and suppresses negative content)
  • Submits a legal ‘demand for removal’ if a business believes it has been slandered or maliciously represented
  • Creates a safe-guard against a business that shares the same name and may have negative reviews
  • Responds proactively to public criticism in order to reclaim positive public image and reputation

Contact NLA Media for a complimentary consultation to learn how we can help you manage your online business profiles, ensuring positive reviews of your business.

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